What you need to know to get your marriage license

Engaged Tips

The time has finally come to go to the courthouse and get your marriage license! Congrats! Below we have given you all the information to know before you go.

  1. MentorUs Certificate

If you are getting married at the Harborside Chapel, then you have been going through our MentorUs Marriage Mentoring Program. You will receive a certificate of completion once you finish all the sessions. You will want to take this with you to the courthouse to receive a discount. (If you are not getting married at the Chapel, you can still receive a discount by doing marriage counseling beforehand.)

*Right now, our MentorUs certificates are only valid in Hillsborough and Pinellas County Courthouses.

*With the certificate, the courthouse will also waive the three day waiting period. You will be able to walk out with your marriage license in hand that same day. This is a good thing to know for all of our out of town couples!

2. Fill out the online application prior

You will want to fill out the online application before you go to the courthouse. This is the first thing they will ask for so you will want to have it ready to go. You can even complete it on your phone!

3. Bring your Driver’s License

Don’t forget this! (They will also accept another form of identification like your Passport.)

4. Give to your Chapel coordinator!

Once you have your marriage license, make sure to give it to your Chapel coordinator for safe keeping. She will make sure your pastor signs it on your wedding day! 🙂

(Just a reminder that your marriage license is only valid for 60 days after you receive it.)*

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