A recent study showed that couples who participated in marriage counseling had a 30% higher marital success rate than those who did not. Imagine having a seasoned couple invest in your marriage before it's even begun. That is our vision for you, which makes our pre-martial mentorship the perfect opportunity to position your marriage for success.
MentorUs is required of all couples. As an additional benefit, participation qualifies you to receive a discount on your marriage license in the state of Florida. There are no additional costs or fees, just a willingness to go on a pre-marriage mentoring journey with a caring couple.
We designed MentorUs to give you the skills you need for a healthy marriage while deepening your relationship with each other, all over the course of multiple sessions. Just a few things you’ll learn through the MentorUs marriage mentoring program:
Mentors for MentorUs are hand-chosen Harborside Christian Church couples who have strong marriages and live their lives for Christ. They would love to get coffee with you and share their insight while getting to know you, your story, and your needs as a couple.
Interested in continuing to grow and learn about marriage with others in the same season? Join our Marriage Mondays connect group at Harborside Christian Church.
Have children? Harborside Kids is a place where children, infant through 5th grade, can worship and develop relationships with others. Visit Harborside Christian Church website for more information about children events and service times.