5 practical tips for those working from home


Due to recent events, there are a lot of us who are now working from home to try and prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the beginning, you may have been so excited to finally wake up and not have to leave the house for work, but some of you may be figuring out it can be trickier than you think to balance life and work all from the same place. Remember to give yourself grace during this time as you adjust to your new schedule.

Here are some tips to make working from home a great experience:

1. Change out of your PJs!

Every single morning, make sure to change out of your PJs! This will help get your mind into work-mode and not sleep-mode.

2. Make a schedule.

Try to stick to your usual schedule as much as possible! For example, if you usually woke up, did a little workout, ate breakfast, and then got ready for work, try to continue doing this and start work at normal business hours. Make sure to take an actual lunch break too! This will help break up your day and give you a burst of energy for the afternoon.

3. Switch up your work station.

If you have a laptop, then you have the flexibility to work different places in your house. We encourage you to switch it up once and while. Or maybe you enjoy a desk and chair, in that case make sure that chair is super comfortable!

Krystal’s favorite place to work is from her front porch rocking chairs! Jess loves working from her back patio because of the view of her backyard!

4. Get some fresh air.

Make sure to get some fresh air during the day. Take some breaks and go for a walk outside! It’s good to move around and not stay stationary the whole day.

5. Set a stopping time.

It’s important to set a stopping time while you are working from home! We know it can be easy to continue working into the night, but remember your normal work hours and try to stick to it as much as possible.

We hope these tips will help you while you work from home! As a Harborside staff, we are praying Psalm 91 every day over ourselves and our families. We encourage you to do this as well!

With love,

Jessica Conley  & Krystal Rapp

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